My name is Al and I suffer with my mental health. I took up exercise and running as I was becoming worried about the dark places my mind was taking me. I found running and I've never looked back. When I'm running I'm in the moment, not depressed about the past or anxious about the future.
Through social media people found me, accepted me and loved the content I was creating. I've inspired people not just to improve their physical health but also their own mental health.
I was featured on the BBC talking about how person_al_best saved me and how I'm inspiring others. This video was featured during the Great North Run of 2023 and its helped me keeping pushing the importance of talking about mental health issues.
It is the home of everything I do, create and share.
From my fitness account person_al_best
to my mental health podcast person_al_battles
to my dog walking business person_al_paws
Follow me on my journey as I aim to help and inspire people all over the world to improve their physical and mental health. From group support to one-to-one support, to promoting events, traveling, reaching more people and creating engaging and unique content for social media.
I've come so far in such a short time and I'm only just getting started.
If you want to work on your physical and mental health then lets get person_al
Your support and contributions will enable me to keep producing unique, honest, relatable, inspiring and motivational content for better physical health.
To keep focus on the importance of talking openly about mental health issues
To continue to bring the smiles to you that I love to do and to keep dogs happy with lots of walks with my dog walking service.
If you do donate, thank you so much, it will mean my dream can continue for a little bit longer
One of the North’s largest running events that races through the city of Sunderland and along the sea front, with two of its famous bridges ...
The Blaydon Race was first held in 1981, the 5.9 mile route is based on the lyrics to the 1862 song by George 'Geordie' Ridley - 'The Blaydo...
Hamsterley Forest
Run as many of the 4.2 mile loop as possible
The course, set in Hamsterley Forest, has approximately 650ft of elevation gain per loop. Terrai...
Hamsterley Forest
Experience a multi-terrain half marathon that winds through picturesque landscapes, offering stunning views that are sure to inspire awe. St...
A bucket list running event with an incredible Geordie welcome, the loudest and most supportive crowds around an epic 13.1 mile course jam-p...
Sunderland City Runs
Get exclusive insights to person_al_best's latest news, trends, and happenings in the world of fitness and what's going on inside his head.
Subscribe and enjoy unique content from Al and follow his journey in more detail and find out what he's upto.
I have set myself some big goals to achieve to improve my physical and mental health. If these goals were easy then where's the journey, the battle and the sense of achievement.
I talk about my goals on my YouTube channel and Instagram page and from this I found alot of people were interested to follow along with me and others wanted to take part.
Then person_al_challenges was born, were a community came forward and wanted to work with me as they could see from my motivation and support that this could help them.
I now have runners of all levels working with me to achieve their own goals and nothing gives me greater joy to see how my actions and words inspire them to keep pushing forward.
If you are interested in joining a person_al_challenge and to get Al to help motivate you to run more then get in touch